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Cambridge City Schools News Article

Personnel Moves Dominate BOE Meeting

Administrative moves continue in the Cambridge City School District as the Board of Education approved a new assistant principal and a new dean of students as well as a large number of personnel moves at the May 28, 2024, Board of Education meeting. 

“It is that time of year where we usually see a lot of movement among our staff and teachers, and this year, we are also seeing some changes at the administrative level,” Cambridge Superintendent Dan Coffman said. “We have a handful of resignations and retirements as well as other positions that are coming open. That creates a lot of changes each year. Our principals and business office staff members do a great job of tracking all the movement and making sure we are crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s.”

Jennifer LorenzJen Lorenz, a 30-year educator who served as the Academic Support Specialist at the Middle School last year, will be taking over as the assistant principal at the Middle School replacing Bob Baier who accepted the High School Principal position.

Lorenz, known as Mrs. Carpenter to many former students, is extremely familiar with the Middle School serving as an English Language Arts teacher for nearly 30 years, and leading the ELA Department as a department head, before taking the role of Academic Support Specialist last school year. 

Lorenz will finish her master’s degree in educational leadership from American College of Education this fall with a renewed passion for educational leadership and the goal to contribute at a higher administrative level.

Superintendent Coffman announced that Sean Byerly has been named the High School Dean of Students. Byerly previously served in the same role at the Primary School. 

In other personnel items, the board approved Sarah Finnicum as administrative secretary at Cambridge High School, Teresa Bacon as a cook at the High School, Kera Cutlip, Shelly Savage, Jacob Grindstaff, and Tricia Cole as district-wide attendant aides, and Danielle Daughtery as a classroom aide at the Primary School. 

The board approved Cathy Gadd, Kay Jenkins, Debbie Coss, Monique Bricken, and Kendra Hines as substitute clerical/aides; approved Monique Bricken, Debbie Coss, Robert Feyko, Dave Pollock, Jeremy Wheeler, Amanda Clayton, Shawn Mobelini, Mary Stemm, Doug Stemm and Jonathan Smith as substitute custodians; approved Christine Stats, Vicki Foraker, Kendra Hines, Nathan Wright, Shanna Surrarrer, Amanda VanWasshenova, Samantha James and Jan Leeper as substitute cooks; approved Raylin Forshey, Jan Leeper, Dave Pollock, Mike McGlaughlin, Jeremy Wheeler and Tim Gibson as substitute bus drivers/bus aids/van drivers. 

The board also approved seasonal employment for Miranda Cole, Hunter Williams, Leah Maleski, Debbie Coss, Caden Moore, Tyler Cline, Andrew Ogle, Monique Bricken, and Neal Stillion.

The board approved three-year limited teacher contracts for Matthew Carpenter, Brenda Hoylman, Mike Kelley, Ken Triplett, Kyle Winland, Charlotte Khune, Erica Miller, Kylie Sampson, Abigail Knott, and Amanda Swanson. 

The Board approved two-year limited teacher contracts for Marlo Baker, Kathrine Lanzer, Kayela Roberson, Nichole Tolbert, Alexa Beskid, Zachary Boyd, Tyler Cota, Emily Rogers, and Andrea Gander. 

The Board approved one-year limited teacher contracts for Kitrina Dubose, Kaila Sundheimer, Kirstin Carpenter, Breanna Walker, Mary Rich, Logan McCort, Marissa Ritz, Bailey Joseph, Lew Nicholas, Sophie Blattner, Karly Rankin, Zachary Krnach, Halee Corbett, Gracie Hayes, Aurora Miller, Shane Roberts, Dana Todd, Tag Tucker, Kylie Tucker, Crystal Wilson, Aaron Beatty, Hunter Carpenter, Alex Kridelbaugh, Skylar Flinn, Amy McClain, Amanda Miller, Haley Stalnaker, Amanda Shepherd, Cammie Bunting, Alaina Tharp, Alexandria Theodosopoulos-Plaster, Kimberly Lynn, Brieanna Barker, Lydia Roberts, and Andrea Hastings.

The board approved the following department heads and advisors for the 2024-2025 school year: 
High School
            Yearbook Advisor                                                       Rachel Todd
            Yearbook Business Manager                                     Rachel Todd
            National Honor Society Advisor                                  Ann Sherry (½ stipend)
            National Honor Society Advisor                                  Cammi Bunting (½ stipend)
            Key Club Advisor                                                        Joellen Perkins (½ stipend)
            Key Club Advisor                                                        Kyle Winland (½ stipend)                                    
            Math/Business/Computer Department Head             Kevin Smith
            Science Department Head                                         Ann Sherry (½ stipend)
            Science Department Head                                         Brenda Hoylman (½ stipend)
            Language/Reading Department Head                       Joellen Perkins
            Social Studies Department Head                               Kyle Winland
            Guidance/Special Education Department Head        Kevin Gunn
            Family Consumer Advisor                                          Alaina Tharp
            French Club  Advisor                                                  Cammi Bunting
            Spanish Club Advisor                                                 Cheryl Richcreek
            Class of 2025 Advisor                                                 Pippa Mikes
            Class of 2026 Advisor                                                 Stacy Mathews (½ stipend)
            Class of 2026 Advisor                                                 Suzanna Mascolino (½ stipend)
            Class of 2027 Advisor                                                 Rachel Todd (½ stipend)
            Class of 2027 Advisor                                                 DJ Todd (½ stipend)
            Class of 2028 Advisor                                                 Sean Byerly (½ stipend)
            Class of 2028 Advisor                                                 Michelle Johnston (½ stipend)
            Student Council Advisor                                             Melissa Hains (½ stipend)
            Student Council Advisor                                             Sadie Williams (½ stipend)
            Head Band Director                                                    Zachary Krnach
            Asst. Band Director                                                     Michele Haverfield
            Color Guard Advisor                                                   Kayla Wehr
            Vocal Music Director                                                   Aaron Todd
            E-Sport Coach                                                            Zachary Boyd
Middle School
            Student Council Advisor                                             Tyler Cota
            Guidance/Special Education Department Head        Alexa Beskid
            Language/Reading Department Head                       Jodi Neff
            Science Department Head                                         Matt Green
            Social Studies Department Head                               Tag Tucker
            Math/Business/Computer Department Head             Kellie Spratt
            Middle School Cheerleader Advisor                           Courtney Stoner (½ stipend)
            Middle School Cheerleader Advisor                           Arianne Stoner (½ stipend)
The board approved Carmen Feldner, Rose Marie Daymut, Bob Mascolino, Heath Hayes, and Jason Bunting as State Systematic Improvement Plan team members retroactive to the 2023-2024 school year. 

The board approved the hiring of substitute teachers Kelly Bergeson, Olivia Crister, Ashley McCauley, Trent Valentine, Jennifer Scrudders, Brianne Scott, Cindy Pollock, Kitrina Dubose, Pippa Mikes, William Petrozzi, Debra Brown, Varhonda Burlingame, Kay Davis, Roberta Henderson, Jeff Jenkins, Alex Kinter, Natalie Long, Ian Smith, Joyce Loudin, Zachary Ogle, Olivia Perkins, Don Shroyer, Danielle Simmons, Caitlyn Todd, Gary Turner, Adam Smith, Paige Mathews, Zachary Barnhart, Isaiah Abel, Brady Hannon, Rachel Kanski and Steve DeMarco.
The board approved a personal service contract with Traci Owens to serve as an Occupational Therapist, approved Danielle Eubanks as the District Data Lead, Jennifer Howell as the Stronger Connections Resource Coordinator, Isaiah Abel as home instructor, and a continuing contract for Rachel Todd. 

The board accepted the resignations of Mark Stinson, Alexandria West, Hailee Smith, Kyle Pertuset, Brynn Frame, and Julie Frame; and approved the retirements of Betty Hinson, Cynthia Lucas, and Kennon Braun; the rehire of retirees Timothy Leppla, Cheryl Richcreek, Mark Rider, Jennifer Lorenz, and Kevin Gunn; approved the unpaid leave of Kelsey Robinson and Zachary Krnach. 

For Summer CATS Camp, the board approved Jan Leeper, Jill Adams, and Paula Kuthy as substitute cooks; Julie Endly, Alex Kitner and Kamden Oldson as aides; and Julie Endly, Lisa Daugherty, Zach Ogle and Kamden Oldson as teachers. The board also approved the hiring of Julie Frame as administrative secretary to assist with the 21st Century Community Learning Center grants. 
The board approved Coutney Seely and Tyler Love as volunteers. 

In athletics, the board approved Sean Byerly as junior varsity boys’ basketball coach, Christian Tetirick as freshmen boys’ basketball coach, Justin Brown as eighth grade boys basketball coach, Mike Stoner as seventh grade boys’ basketball coach, Alauna Butler as assistant varsity volleyball coach, Katrina DuBose as eighth grade volleyball coach, and Sarah Lanning as seventh grade volleyball coach. The board also approved athletic volunteers Kyle Ritz, Ben VanDyne, and Todd Mathers. 

In other business, the board approved the treasurer’s recommendations to accept a total of $2,085 in donations to various specific accounts, approve the updated five-year forecast, and approve the annual appropriations and amended certificate of resources. 

The board also approved a food service management contract with the Nutrition Group; approved a memorandum of understanding with the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center for participation in a Teacher Credentialing Partnership to allow teachers to earn credentials to teach College Credit Plus courses; approved the Sheakley Group to serve as the district’s third-party administrator and managed care organization for the Bureau of Workers Compensation; approved the employee work calendars for the 2024-2025 school year; and an agreement with OME-RESA for services during fiscal year 2025. 

The June meeting of the Board of Education will be announced at a later time. 

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