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Lahmers Honored with State Recognition
In the Cambridge Schools community, many teachers, staff members, students, and their family members will tell you how great the Summer CATS Camp and CATS Club after-school programs are for our students and families. 

However, it is also nice to receive recognition from the Ohio Department of Education and Future Forward Ohio for a job well done. 
Robin Lahmers, the Afterschool and Summer Camp
 Program Manager, was recently recognized with a Certificate of Excellence for Exceptional Programming and Staff Excellence. 

“First and foremost, I want to recognize the great staff we have working in both the afterschool and summer programs,” Lahmers said. “The programming ideas and plans don’t work if they are not implemented and executed by our amazing teachers and aides, and without the support of bus drivers, cooks, and other staff members. This is truly a recognition of both the afterschool and summer programs.” 

Lahmers’ nominator pointed out that Lahmers sustained the elementary afterschool program without 21st Century CLC funding and has built the summer program for the past three years (growing every year). With the help of the Summer Learning & Afterschool Opportunities Grant, she has also expanded the programming at the Middle School and added credit recovery, college/career readiness, and drivers’ education programming at the high school. 

Lahmers plans programming for all four buildings for the summer program and the after-school program. Lahmers is at the buildings every day supporting the teachers, families and students and making sure everything works smoothly and effectively. 

She coordinates with all community partners, plans family engagement events, field trips, visiting presentations/events, and monitors the programs to provide anything the teachers need to support and provide unique experiences for the students. 

She is continually attending professional development and conferences looking for innovative programs and innovative ways to educate and engage our students. 

Some examples of exceptional programming Lahmers has helped bring to Cambridge include:
  1. Free Drivers Education for high school students 
  2. Internships where high school students can work in the elementary program part-time reading with individual students and/or helping teachers and community partners providing physical activities.
  3. Workforce development activities for elementary students like the popular “Touch a Truck” Day. 
  4. Excursions to Deerassic Park where students learn how to track animals, archery, kayaking, fishing, and respecting the environment.
  5. Life skills where students learn how to grow food, cook simple cost-effective meals, financial literacy, and the importance of self-care. 
With the newly awarded 21st Century CLC grants, Lahmers is already starting to work on programing to continue to provide a dynamic summer program to engage and interact with students and help them avoid academic losses in the summer.

“We have a great opportunity through our CATS Club and CATS Camp to help our students improve academically while participating in fun, hands on experiences that they would otherwise not get to take part,” Lahmers said.